Work Smarter Not Harder: A.I. Assisted Job Search

with Justin Jones

Say farewell to tedious tasks. A.I. can make job hunting more efficient and enjoyable. It's time to work smarter, not harder, and have more fun landing your dream job with A.I.-powered assistance!
Justin Jones likes nothing more than hearing his clients say, "I got the job"! Affectionately known as "Job Coach Justin," he is naturally skilled at helping people recognize and communicate their inherent value.

During his 20+ years in coaching, he has shared insights about interviewing and finding meaningful work with thousands of individuals. Justin is a dynamic career coach, public speaker, and facilitator.

Second Speaker: Dave Sherman
3 Effective Strategies for Quickly Landing a Job

Looking to accelerate your job search process? Here are three effective strategies to help you land a job faster.

Whether you're entering the job market for the first time or seeking a career change, these tips will enhance your job search efficiency and maximize your chances of success.

Dave Sherman is an internationally known sales trainer, speaker, and best-selling author. He was an award-winning retail business owner and has written three best-selling books on sales, networking, and marketing.